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Audere est Facere\n\n This is Spurs' motto. It means To Dare Is to Do. Tottenham's name comes👍 from the name of a 14th-century man from Northumberland, Sir Harry Hotspur (thanks for the correction MonkeyHeaven), who featured in👍 one of Shakespeare's plays, Henry the Fourth.
With a cockerel standing proudly above the Latin motto "audere est facere", meaning👍 "to dare is to do", Tottenham Hotspur's traditional crest reflects the attitude of the club.

2024/1/18 9:34:50

2024's Call of Duty game will reportedly be the next game in the Black Ops series, and💷 will once again be set against historical real-world events. This time, the series appears primed to visit more recent history💷 with the Gulf War of the early 1990s, as was previously rumored.
Call of Duty: Warzone will also💷 naturally get some love to tie it into the new Black Ops entry, as you might expect. As usual, Call💷 of Duty Black Ops "6" is targeting a late fall, early winter 2024 launch.

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e future,the WinchesterS believeed his human half gava him it capacity for good.

of Killing Herman", thaty Gaves HiM an💹 chance To disappear! After Samuel'sa

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